>>47859347And, the final batch of betamons!
Doppetera is a strange mosquito that lives in arctic marshes and swamps. Despite their wings, they don't really fly much, instead operating as ambush predators, hiding and making sudden quick attacks on prey! Their ability, Para-type, is a bit ambitious, and one I'd be unsure if I could add. The idea is that, if Doppetera uses a contact move, that contact move will "steal" the target's secondary typing. Doppetera will gain it instead! The ability doesn't activate whenever Doppetera has a second ability, but Doppetera would have a move where it "squirts" out this ability at a target, ditching the ability and hitting the target with the ability it had a bit ago. The idea with Doppetera is to make a gimmick mon that uses a mechanic that otherwise is completely irrelevant, the positions of types.
Durode are strange parasitic plants that latch onto trees. Their cycloptic eyes on their fruit look down at any passerby, as the fruit lights up absorbing electricity from its host. They can launch this fruit out and have it explode, and quickly grow back a new fruit! If harvested properly though, the fruit is edible, if sour.
Finally, Knarrtical, the Lapras equivalent. This Pokemon is rarely seen, though is believed to be able to cross the entire arctic in just hours! It's ability, Smooth Creed, doubles its speed in Sunny, Rainy, or Hail weather conditions!
And with that, that's all the betamons! There is a full document of this as you can suspect, but the other mons aren't as interesting, though some Pokemon were reimagined, and some Pokemon from other gens did make the 353 cut (though only ones I thought both fit aesthetically in with older generations, and would fulfill a needed niche, such as a typing or gameplay role). If you've any questions or requests about those I can tell you.
I hope you enjoyed this, it was fun to talk about ideas I've been sitting on for years! I'm going to grab a bite to eat, since I'm famished!