>>50909096Thinking Malva was the next easiest was a real retard decision. My only team members with effective moves that weren't shit on by fire were Slick and Pancake, both of whom were underleveled for this being 56 and 58 at the time. I had to be cute with a Toxic Sludge on Wiper and stall out with a bunch of healing items. This worked for the first two (Bestfrienduu was a good meat shield) however Wiper got outsped and one shot by her Talonflame's Flare Blitz and was the first man down. My mistake really. I put Torchic in to eat her charges and just whittle her down but this Talonflame kamikazed a fucking CRIT Brave Bird and one shot her from 80% hp. Bestfrienduu cleaned up her Chandelure but damn was it annoying.
And to rub salt in the wound, Drasna's dragon team was really easy. The opener of a Poison type was a bit awkward but went down quickly to 2 Moonblast's and minimal damage. Altaria tried to sing BF to sleep but he broke out of it thanks to his friendship with me (pokemon amie is fucking retarded op) and one shot her with a Moonblast. I played a little risky for some XP and switched into Slick on her Noivern to eat a weak Flamethrower and try to 4x hit it with Ice Beam. I didn't think it would outspeed Slick next turn though and was ready to be mad at myself when he died, but instead he ate the Dragon Pulse on 5hp and one shot Noivern right after. BF cleaned up the last Mon and It was time for Diantha!
She was easy, BF basically wiped half her team immediately and Boyo got a good kill on Aurorus with the 4x Hammer Throw right before Gardevoir came out. I was hoping he could outspeed it and Toxic Sludge her before he died but even with the speed glitch on megaevolves she was still faster and one shot him with psychic. BF basically stalled out the rest of the fight with Light Screen and back and forth moonblasts until I won.
This was fun, might try another one soon and be more strict about leveling.