I don't know how people can be so fucking gullible
>dextrannies write some retarded shit down on notepad and post it here>people lose their minds and believe it>Dataminer (who dextrannies love when he posts anything that can damage gamefreak) outright says it's bullshit and hilariously fake.>people on /vp/ still believe some anonymous notepad screenshotfucking hell the absolute state of you faggots. i've left sword and shield on over night for 2 days and i'm going to keep doing it.
cope, seethe, dilate.
fucking brainlets.
>>41335800>What SciresM doesn’t understand sciresm understands a lot more about the inner workings of the switch than you do, faggot
go post to him telling him he doesn't understand how nand works but you do.