Theme:>inb4 shit cuz gardeI use garde for good special attacking prowess, with good moves. I'd use Zam, but Zam is OU.
>>29031955I think your link got messed up. Did you mean to post ?
Memes aside, 3.5/6
>>29031996This card is weird. On the one hand, there's 4 waifu mons, which makes me call you a waifufag, but then there's balk fetus and Chesnaught. I have no clue what to rate this. Also, your trainer reminds me of Painwheel.
>>290320545/6, Watch out for falling icicles though.
>>29032220Your team is entirely unremarkable, if you look at it piece by piece. Together, they're a 5/6 team.
>>29032273I don't know why, but I dislike your team. 2/6
>>29032381This seems like an in-game team, but a very weird one. I mean, who would use Hypno over Reuniclus? 4/6