>>42066333well basically this
>>42066373>>42066457>Was social media at the same place into society 5 or 10 years ago ?10 years? Yup
15 years even.
>Fucking hell even when people complained before nobody cared because nobody cared about the 3ds that was already an overpriced underpowered console>nobody cared>3ds underpowered consoleI mean...you're making my argument for me.
>Like i said before the people who complaimed before grew larger with each game. The growth has always been minuscule because the fanbase pre Gen 8 would always resort to "leave you're not a real fan".
>What the fuck do you want people to do, stop thinking and go enjoy sword and shield like the submissive bitch you are ?Like how you continue to believe this.
At this point the outcry might as well be stuck with a party of 6 balls.