Hey everybody, got a plan to elaborate and fill you all in on here on the plan for movesets.
So over the past few days, we redid the level-up moveset for Aguanaut's line and Florresum's line where we implemented new moves! Over the next few weeks, the plan is to do a line or two a day and redo the movesets for each line in the dex, with priority for demo pokemon lines, until we are finished. Upon finishing all of the demo pokemon line movesets, we will hold confirmation surveys to lock the moves learned by level-up for all demo lines. We will not stop there, however. After finishing demo lines, we will continue to overhaul the rest of the dex's level-up movesets by line until the entire dex has updated level-up movesets. Following this, we will then go over and redo breeding moves initially for each line. Once this is done, we will then go along and handle chain breeding moves for each line, if such a thing is deemed desired or possible.
Once breeding moves and level-up moves are handled, and TM/HM moves are finished, we will then just have to deal with gym TMs as they come along.
So that's the plan! This isn't something just skype is doing, so if you are competent with moves and have a solid and detailed understanding of a mons concept, history, and design, feel free to handle that line. So far, we have the Aguanaut and Florresum lines done and I'm working on Flairees right now. So if you want, any other demo line is open for overhaul!
Just make sure you use this list:
http://capx.wikia.com/wiki/New_Moves for new moves. But remember! Just because a mon is on the list to get a move does not mean that it has to get that move! If it fits and you feel that it should be in the level-up moveset, then go for it! But don't forget that we can always breed moves on as well!
There is no deadline on this, but do know that moveset overhaul is necessary for trainer teams to be made, and thus can hold up the demo as well if not done!