>>51653012I was really into this thing after this episode aired. I remember it took forever to figure out the things name because the episode misspelled it in the title, and most "official" handbooks at the time misspelled it too or gave outright false information about it.
As soon as Silver released, I did my first playthrough exclusively with this thing and Metronome. It was miserable. I just wanted to see what it turned into. I didn't know what a happiness mechanic was.
It finally evolved at like level 47 in Rocket Hideout in Mahogony Town. All it could use was Double Edge and Metronome. I guess I did the original "can you beat Gold and Silver with JUST a Togepi?!" meme run before Youtube even existed when I was 10.
I've never been more disappointed.
Also what
>>51653018 said. She stole it from Ash and I hated her ever since.
All of those boring ass Orange Islands episodes I remember thinking "it would have evolved by now if Ash had it".
Once in a blue moon you'd get a rare Togepi episode where it would go off on its own or use a move and you'd think THIS IS IT IT'S GOING TO FINALLY EVOLVE and then it'd cuck itself back into Misty's bag for 7 more eipsodes.
I still love Togetic, but man, fuck Togepi and everything about its legacy. Imagine waiting until Hoenn when Misty has been long gone to bring her back for a 22 minute "oh yeah, we forgot about Togetic" episode. Not even the anime team liked this shitty thing.