>>33371067I run it as a 1-of because it's a decent bench sniper in my Ninetales GX deck. Won me a couple games and is easier to field than BUS Kingdra.
>>33370516No offense but I would not advise building a Lunala Deck. This is the closest thing I've managed to make that is at least semi-competitive, but baby Lunala is easily 1-shottable by most meta decks, Lunala-GX doesn't hit hard enough to justify it's costs, Garb is a hard matchup but you hit for weakness and they do not, and Metagross or anything Dark basically tells you to get fucked. It relies way too heavily on having a Lunala GX on bench early because ideally you want to set up a rotation where you're using Wings of the Moone with a choice band to slam 160 damage onto your opponent's pokemon every turn before shifting those energies to the relative safety of your bench (don't stack them all on one pokemon either, Guzma/Lysandre has ruined me so many times for that) and then recharging your Lunala the next turn for another round. Shatter Shot is really only for those desperate 1-hit KOs where you really need to remove something from the field or are not worried about them one-shotting you back the next turn. Both Lunala and Lele's GX attacks are pretty sub par, though Lunala GX has closed out matches for me by targeting support pokemon and baby attackers on the bench. Max Elixirs definitely help, but without better Psychic Energy acceleration it's way too clunky to perform properly.