>>36322923Ok, please excuse the I know you are but what am I,
>you garbage
This is not necessarily a safe place. It's an anonamous board on 4chan. I realize that doesn't justify my behavior or other's behaviors that keep it a sketchy place, but things going wrong is an important life lesson taught by this hole. As much as I don't want to shit on this community and deter people from coming here, I alone can not change the fact that "bad" things happen on the open web. And if missing a battle is the worst thing that happened maybe you should consider this in perspective. I'm no coward and I'll take the justified frustrations aimed at me, but please don't blow this out of context. Trades get sniped, not that I pull that bull shit, I sniped a battle last night, so that clearly happens, but there is no use in abusing those that abuse the situation. I understand the investigative journalist part to shed light, but acting a fool tends to make that party look silly, so just nicely illuminate the matter.
Also please don't try to build the impression that people are free from less than above board things happening to them here. You know as well as I do that far more underhanded shit happens here and people should, through experience, learn how to negotiate this place. Don't make all other anon victims in your underhanded white knighting, because It's clear you don't mean to benefit anyone but yourself by tearing down a few. I.e. bullying
Thanks Anon!
Luke 3969-6216-1477