Quoted By:
>E3 Demo Stats, lvl 50
HP: 177
Att: 100
Def: 106
S.Att: 76
S.Def: 98
Spe: 88
Hasty (+Spe, -Def)
>Leaked final stats, lvl 63
See image
So the original demo stats were projected as 102/80/98/56/78/60 (474) whereas Smogon has estimated the current stats as 100/90/115/60/85/80 (530). The original projection seems quite low compared to the new stats, but 530 seems rather high. Was anyone around when Leakerchad posted that Corviknight image? I’m guessing it was a fresh catch from the Wild Area, since it doesn’t seem to be a Battle Tower rental. If that’s the case, shouldn’t the stats be a predicted range rather than set in stone?