New Stats: 100/115/95/75/65/85/BST:535
New Abilities: Amplify/Grassy Terrain/(HA)Overgrow
Amplify: Sound-based moves are increased in base power + accuracy by 1.3x
New Moves: Boomburst, Sing, Howl, Grass Whistle, Sing, Speed of Sound
Speed of Sound:
Type: Normal
Category: Status
Raises the user's Speed by three stages
Drum Beating Buff: Now 100 base power + a sound-based move
New Stats: 80/116/75/70/75/119/BST:535
New Abilities: Legday/Abaptability/(HA)Blaze
New Stats: 70/85/65/125/70/120
New Abilities: Sniper/Sharpshooter/(HA)Torrent
New Moves: Hurricane, Nasty Plot, Frost Breath, Torrent Blast, Psychic
Torrent Blast: Water-Type equivalent of Frost Breath
>pic also unrelated