why the fuck is the Ekans line part sound type now
sure it's a rattlesnake but they aren't noisy enough to deserve a fucking sound type
arbok doesn't even have a reason considering it's a fucking cobra
to continue nitpicking I'm just going to mention that the whismur, noibat, toxtricity, kricketot, jigglypuff, and toxel lines are the only ones that deserve a part sound typing, as well as Chatot and Meloetta
toxtricity's retyping especially annoys me because it's poisonous and has electric powers; yet it doesn't get an electric typing in this hack
i think this whole mess should be a good reason why the type chart shouldn't be fucked with if you're not creating an entire new dex
>>51642617>>51642618wait what the fuck
I never noticed because the only fire type I use more than once or twice a playthrough is talonflame