>Updates3DS 1.3.16 / Mobile 1.7.4:
493 stages (450 main, 43 expert)
606 Pokémon
>Data:http://pastebin.com/hyJydMEY (3DS 1.3.16 / Mobile 1.7.4) 7/26
http://pastebin.com/TRCptkbp (3DS 1.3.15 / Mobile 1.7.3) 7/12
>New stuff:- More Speedups available for select Megas:
>Altaria from 6 to 10 (16 > 12 Icons)>Ampharos from 7 to 9 (17 > 15 Icons)>Banette from 8 to 12 (19 > 15 Icons)>Diancie from 6 to 10 (13 > 9 Icons)>Heracross from 6 to 8 (15 > 13 Icons)>Mawile from 7 to 8 (14 > 13 Icons)>Sableye from 8 to 10 (14 > 12 Icons)>Slowbro from 2 to 4 (16 > 14 Icons)- Skill Swappers implemented. Only a few Pokémon can use it. List:
http://pastebin.com/xxwyBcYJ- Mission Cards #7 to #10 avaliable
- List of Pokémon that can be fed RML incresed! See:
http://pastebin.com/NrizQZQZ>Events (* = Personalized Skill Boost available)Rhyperior: 7/19 - 8/2
Palkia*: 7/19 - 8/2
Daily Pokémon #2 [Druddigon/Pachirisu/Sigilyph/Tropius/Farfetch'd]: 7/19 - 8/2
Cresselia escalation: 7/26 - 8/9
Wobbuffet Try 'Em Items stage: 7/26 - 8/9 (0 hearts to play)
Landorus (Incarnate Forme)* daily stage: 7/26 - 8/2 (may drop Mega Speedups)
Zygarde (10% Forme)*: 7/26 - 8/9
Safari #9 [Elgyem 26.9%; Beheeyem 8.6%; Drowzee 23.7%; Hypno 8.6%; Frillish (Female) 21.5%; Jellicent (Female) 8.6%; Mesprit: 2.2%]
>Future EventsEntei*: 8/2 - 8/9
Jirachi daily stage: 8/6-8/9
Mega Steelix competition: 8/2 - 8/9
Daily Pokémon #2 [Spiritomb/Girafarig/Kecleon/Shuckle/Relicanth]: 8/2 - 8/16
Reshiram*: 8/2 - 8/16
Ash-Greninja*: 8/2 - 8/16
>Escalation InfoLevel 5: 1 Moves +5
Level 10: 1 Disruption Delay
Level 30: 1 Mega Start
Level 50: 1 Skill Swapper
Level 100: 1 Mega Speedup
Level 150: 1 Raise Max Level
Level 200: 1 Raise Max Level
Levels 35/55/75/95/120/140/160/180: Coin Stages
>Compilation of useful linkshttp://pastebin.com/jqwbAwFgLast Thread: