>>47101554Because they were born after 9/11. Everyone was done with Pokemon after Gen 3. If anyone caught you playing Pokemon in school, you were relentlessly ostracized and bullied, so you had to keep that shit on the downlow or suffer the consequences. Likewise then, only ignorant zoomers who either had autism or were the dorks in honors classes still engaged with Pokemon and bought into Gen 4. Everyone else had moved on.
But then when people went back to try it, they nearly upchucked their dinner at the sheer slowness of everything, the sheer lack of diverse Pokemon encounters, the HM spam ballooned considerably, the region and its landscape made no sense/was wholly uninviting compared to Hoenn or Johto, and the new crossevos made a mockery of old times faves with ugly overdesigned spiky garbage. It was the first time it truly felt like Pokemon's time in the limelight was over, and it was now going to fade into the background like the shovelware that copied it back then, only liked by a weirdo generation that was niche and small. Until then of course Gen 6 and 7 came with GO and exploded it back to relegancy with Kanto nostalgia pandering, but thats besides the point. Gen 4 even tried to pander somewhat with the crossevos but failed miserably.
So people like this gen because they were born in a time period where it was framed as good for them and acceptable to consoom. Any oldfag otherwise just dismissed it.