>>44907556Hmm, the opponent just used a setup move against my utility mon with encore... oh wait they dynamaxed and Encore mysteriously fails against dynamax!
Hmm, the opponent is 4x weak to grass, and my pokemon has grass knot, surely this will KO them, and if they dynamax, that will just make them heavier so the move does more damage! Wait, what? it failed completely? Not even damaging it based on the pokemon's non-maxed weight?
Hmm, my opponent is probably going to dynamax that pokemon this turn, if I use fake out, I can waste one of the three dynamax turns! Wait, what? nothing happened? I don't think that that Pokemon has inner focus... hey, wait, it doesn't! what gives?
Ha, my opponent is such a chump if they think they can set up against my phazer! Prepare to be whirlwinded, punk! wait, what? they dynamaxed, making it so move mechanics don't apply?
Oh man, this Dynamaxed pokemon is definitely going to knock me out this turn, but I outspeed it and have destiny bond! Eh? that failed too?
That pokemon couldn't possibly have outsped mine without a Scarf, time to punish them for locking themself into (etc)