>>37637125>protos/betasI see this mixed upall the time and I want to set it straight. Consider this a tip.
The more accurate word is "prototype" - "beta" refers to a specific phase in the development cycle, and even then, may not necessarily be used by the developer. This situation isn't helped by wikis and YouTubers, who routinely use the incorrect term and ensure that it'll permeate in the younger generation of gamers. If you pay attention, you might notice that serious preservationist circles often use terms like "prototype", "pre-release", "early", etc. while their excitable audience will be the ones with casual usage of "beta" or "alpha" to describe the same thing. You may think this is unimportant and pedantic, but depending on the character of the leaker, it may be best to use a term like "proto" instead of "beta", since that shows that we mean business. It's also a better way in general to grab the attention of those who matter, since broad use of "beta" can come across as amateurish or childish to them. Basically, using "proto" or "prototype" in correspondence will be likelier to yield results.
I'm rooting for this reach a positive conclusion. Good luck.