>>32424395Mammotar is a Rock/Poison mammoth fossil based on this awesome fakemon.
Snoboll is based on a boll weevil. A boll weevil has the snout that looks like a scoop. Globoll rolls down hills like an avalanche getting larger and larger.
Vigil means to stand watch over something. Ent is from LotR.Vigilent is based on a redwood tree. They are watchful forest guardians and are pseudolegendaries.
Boomshroom is a mushroom mushroom cloud.
Dude,Gen 4 had 14. Gen 5 had a shit ton too. Only Harkordia and Discada have relevance in plot.
Primengene(Prime+Engine+Gene) is based on transformers. It is a mech that transforms into Turretank(Turret+Tank), a mechanical Rhino, Vessarmry(Vessel+Armory), a battleship whale, and Uavian (UAV and Avian), a drone hawk.
I'm bummed you hate Fangster's line. It's my favorite one.
Also, that bit about Gamefreak using native languages is total bull. C'mon you know that.