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Today we will be discussing the only native bug evolutionary line from Kalos region: Scatterbug, Spewpa and Vivillon.
Scatterbug and Spewpa are nothing special. They are pretty cute and not much else to say about them. Spewpa has wing-like cloth covering it which is pretty awesome I guess.
And lastly we have Vivillon. After a stellar bug generation came Vivillon which was pretty disappointing. Vivillon itself has a good design apart from its weird legs and has very interesting and appealing gimmick in its multi coloured patterns depending on region. Unfortunately unlike the generation 5 bugs its stats do not shine at all. With a BST of only 411 this devilish pokemon doesn't even have a unique type combination like bug/fairy(although we have Cutiefly now) or bug/psychic. Luckily for it despite having paper thin defences it does a good niche which makes it somewhat viable by having compound eyes coupled with sleep powder hurricane and quiver dance.
All in all its a good pokemon and I love it and even though it couldn't have an better type combination its sad to see it not having a BST at 450 at least to boost its average speed and sp atk to make it a bit more threatening.
What are your thoughts?