>>21170966Make sure your players actually have some idea of what to do and where to go (not that you need to handhold, but some way to find out where the Gyms are at least, or an NPC that can tell you where the plot script it, because too man hacks expect you to be omniscient).
Don't overload the hack with Legendaries, nor with a million rivals.
Give your villainous team an actual reason for doing what they're doing. Even if it's just simple like Team Rocket doing things to make money, don't have them just be evil because they're evil. To give an example from the hack I'm playing, Luminous Cenaries are trying to bring sunlight tot he world, just because. There's no reason or explanation as to WHY they'd want to do that, they're just doing it because they like sunlight I guess.
I stated this already but I have to state it again, don't assume the players are omniscient when it comes to plot. If you're being visited by a Legendary, for example, let the player know why they're being visited; not immediately necessarily, but don't give the players some big vision with a special route and all, and then never explain to them why or what happened.
>>21170945I have no idea what type Kevin's Gym is. It's monotype, but I don't know which because EVERY Pokémon is Water/Ice. In fact every one of the 8 trainers there only use the Spheal line except for one who uses one Lapras. Even Kevin just uses Spheal/Sealeo/Walrein.
Also, the rooms are unchanged in neither theme nor AI. The accuracy room does not have a single Pokémon with a single move below 100% accuracy, for example.
Anyway I get the Crystal Badge and I guess I can go to the fourth island now. Hopefully I'll stay there since I've been to all the towns in the first three islands and gotten all the Gyms there and because I'll throw something out the window if I have to run around all four islands like a chicken with its head cut off trying to figure out where the hack wants me to go, again.