>>50495305>Why is this setting so fun to immerse yourself in?The first reason is because the world is noblebright. People have an excellent standard of living. Nature is healthy and intact. There's no political strife or cultural division. There's no war or government oppression. The closest thing there is to crime are the evil teams, who are either too incompetent or benign too take seriously. The Pokédex makes mention that Pokémon themselves can pose a danger to humans, but we rarely actually see this happen in the games or anime. Regardless of your personal feelings about the modern real world or how it could be made better, you probably agree that the Pokémon world is better in every way.
The second reason while Pokémon is a utopia, it isn't a boring one. There's still challenges to be overcome, adventures to be undertaken, and wonders to be awed by.
The third reason is the Pokémon themselves, which is essentially the special feature that makes the Pokémon world not just idyllic, but special. The first two reasons I gave apply to countless other fictional universes, but it's the fact that you can experience this world alongside your giant dragonfly or haunted chandelier that sets Pokémon apart. That's the part that makes you go from "I guess that'd be a nice place to live" to "I have fantasies about getting transported here".
>Do you guys have OC characters/self inserts or whatever you like to dream up?I'd actually want to be one the Pokémon. Specifically a Serperior
that's married to a Milotic