>What is this?Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer between teams which are embodiments of the various boards of 4chan. The players represent facets of each board's culture. And of course, /vp/ has their own team as well.
>Why should I care and why don't you fuck off?The cup only happens once every 3 or 6 months for like 3 weeks and only on the weekend so we wont interrupt your true /vp/ experience for too long. If you are new, give it a try and you might even enjoy it.
>How do I vote? Where's the fuggin' poll link?https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfh9myo9vsPs-kEjCc0ljvVgVBaJ58aRt06fYWvCzhNZPKUNg/viewform?usp=sf_link