Aight, here we go:
>Fav PokemonLatias
>Fav starterOshawott
>Fav gamePMD 2
>Fav OST>Fav gen5
>Fav pokes per gen1: Eevee
2: Smeargle
3: Mudkip
4: Leafeon/Bidoof
5: Dewott/Oshawott
6: Sylveon/Espurr
7: Togedemaru/Popplio/Primarina
>Fav megaLatis
>Fav MCNate
>Fav rivalCheren
>Fav VillainDunknoir (this counts, right?)
>Fav Headcannon couple(s)Player and their partner in PMD
Pikachu and Togedemaru (though this isn't really headcannon since they are shaping up to a couple)
Nate and Rosa
>Fav core gameB2
>Fav professorBirch