>>24668174I was thinking of mostly using Sceptile-EX's second attack with Ariados whilst spamming M Sceptile-EX for heals and subpar acceleration. So I still have to rely on Vespiquen? Vileplume might be counter-intuitive for such a deck given you need energy in the hand
Shame about Mewtwo X since it is practically P Groudon-EX without the godly Omega Barrier and only doesn't destroy Stadiums
Has Assault Vest proven any worth yet? I suppose it's Startling Megaphone bait but still.
>>24668147So Raikou found its way into Manectric-EX decks? I've got a 2-2 line of the latter about, I think I should do something useful with them
Surely Metal decks got a boost from having Heavy Ball and Float Stone?
>>24668195Fair enough too, Strong Energy was also a noob trap with Golurk players
Will definitely run it since it's got a cool premise behind it, too bad Korrina will likely be rotated out with Toad next year unless she gets a reprint.