Quoted By:
>Gallade oneshots Kyogre, u-turns into Flygon on M-Swampert EQ
>Flygon Megas, Drakon Voice, leaving Swampert on a sliver of health, gets fucking Glacial Lanced
>Swap in Cloyster, ko Swampert, hard swap to Dragalge
>Dragalge comes in, survives Scald/Giga drain, then ice beam, oneshots Ludicolo, Crawdaunt come in and ko Dragalge
>Kingdra comes in, yawns, dies
>Gardevoir comes in, Protects, then Crawdaunt fucking randomly hard swapped into dragonite on 1 of 2 sleep turns
>Dragonite comes in, eats a thunderbolt, Garde gets ko'd
>Gallade comes in, ko's dragonite
>Scizor comes in, clicks bullet punch for some reason, then dies before surging strikes hits
>Crawdaunt comes back still asleep, dies
Holy fuck, I never want to see that fucking Crawdaunt again