Quoted By:
>Ishitsubute-style Soba Okonomiyaki
>by Yusuke Inoue and Abareru-kun
>Ingredients: 100g of soba, 50g of okonomiyaki flour, 100ml of water, appropriate amounts of custom-made sauce (water, mentsuyu and okonomi sauce mixed in a 2:1:2 ratio), appropriate amounts of nori
>Mix the okonomiyaki flour and the water, then cut the soba into smaller pieces roughly 1 3rd of their initial length and mix them into the batter. Pour the batter onto an electric griddle preheated to medium heat and oiled with salad oil and form it into the shape of an Ishitsubute. After frying it for about 3 minutes, flip it over and fry it for another 3 minutes on the other side before transferring it to a plate. Finally, place two pieces of nori on top to create the Ishitsubute's eyebrows. Dip the finished okonomiyaki in the custom-made sauce as you eat.
Get cooking, anons.