Sage dev here, it's still being worked on, we voted in a rough base design for route 16 a few days ago.
>>47705617>>47705625>>47705926Moving off of /vp/ wasn't a problem, if anything it helped development and made voting deadlocks less an issue, at least intially. The main issue the project has at this stage, and keep in mind this is 100% my opinion, is that over time most of us got busy with work and careers and the amount of time most people have to contribute is limited.
I personally think we would really benefit from additional artists, there used to be a ton of spriters and tile artists who did amazing work, like the buildings in pic related; but most are very busy these days.
Aside from 1 specific incident discord drama wasn't a problem.
>>47705893A project that started here on /vp/ in 2012 as a Create a Pokedex effort, that morphed into a full fangame. The core devs left ./vp/ in either 2014 or 2015 (I honestly forget which year at this point) because as development moved from the preproduction stage (IE mon and character dresigns, rough region planning) to active development, the contributions randon anons were able to give lowered and each thread's shitposting was hurting more then it helped (I will note tho that I was personally never too in favor of moving off the board, but whatever).