Welcome to the general, all screenshots, complaints, and calling OP a faggot are to be contained here.
New to the server? Its a simple setup, you join, get through the waves of autism you see in the threads on /vp/, and within an hour or so you'll fit right in.
Build a house, train pokemon, or just make pokeballs all day. This is your chance to train your mons and feel like they actually exist, and aren't just a virtual monster you can't truly love.
Current Server mods needed to join:
Forge 1.7.10 -
Pixelmon 3.2.6
Decocraft for 1.7.2/1.7.10
MrCrayfish Furniture 3.3.5
Installation Guide:
vpixelmon.hosthorde.comSometimes, using the IP above causes issues with connection. Really, its just for convenience if you don't save servers or if you're on a different machine.
Direct IP: