>>46043707I swear I have no idea what was going through their twisted heads.
Just like with the hugeass bags it looks like they though "haha, this is stupid, it's funny" and went ahead without a second thought. Fish pokemon have an easier time catching up than those who walk on four legs.
>>46043755Dunno, XY was pretty much the same as always, but in 3D.
Since ORAS they just don't give a fuck about anything anymore. SM tried to have an unique story and offer a different kidn of experience but absolutely neglected anything else. The next three entries have been nothing but efortless cashgrabs.
>>46043813Honestly, if you try to map them to a 2D layout, the towns are very typical pokémon towns. They just can't and don't live up to the huge cardboard cutouts that decorate them.
The pinball and the herding were nothing to write home about, just some very easy "puzzles" to look flashy in trailers. Heck, most of what looks nice about SS was pretty for the sake of trailers.
Then you reach Raihan and the challenge is... three battles. That's it.
Honestly I was so burnt out by the lack of polish or care from previous games that my interest and faith dropped to zero once they revealed they had no plans of being novel and would instead focus on the same shit they had always done. It read like they would make the kind of game that SM was but without its story and replacing the trial challenge with bog-standard gyms, and it was.