>>12874360Youngfag here
>Favorite Gen5
>Favorite PokemonSwampert
>Favorite PokegirlSkyla/Hilda. It's a toss up really.
>Favorite PokeboyMarlon. I grew up on an island. Shit hit home for me.
>Favorite Pokemon gameW/W2
Or Colosseum. It was my first
>Favorite Evil teamPlasmaaaa
>Autistic Pokemon Game HabitsIf I decide to nickname EVERYTHING must be nicknamed. Likewise for the opposite.
>Favorite non-Pokemon show/book/movie/franchise/whateverBreaking Bad, Ender's Game (Hella stoked for the movie. Also, I've been playing a lot of Skyrim lately. Various other hobbies in between
>Other boards you visit/b/....kill me
>Pet peevesStupidniggashit
>Political BeliefsMid-left
inb4 too young to be politically aware
>Religious beliefsRoman Catholic
>How you ended up on /vp/?Got tired of /b/ and wanted something new. Saw /tr/ meant team rocket and bam, hooked.
>What are you doing with your life?Nothing at the moment, Training for Football but I sprained my ankle on a jog only yesterday,so I'm chilling in pain.