>Tournament page is finally accessible.Is.. Is it back for good or is it going to disappear again?
>>18882310>I was wondering if TPCi was pulling some kind of Konami ala Yu-Gi-Oh with five different levels of "rare" in every pack of seven cards.To be honest, TPCi has a similar structure. We've got...
>non-holo rares (under the standard star symbol)>holo rares (with the standard star symbol)>EXs and Ace Specs (With a silver star symbol)>Full Art cards (With a silver star symbol)>Secret rares (With a silver star symbol. Card number goes beyond the set's number of maximum cards in the set, like 101/100)And that doesn't count RH cards, which include non-holo/holo rares and Ace Specs (which can only be found in a pack's RH slot).