>>23476911But what if Ash wants to "learn more" from Valerie?
>>23477108Indeed...but pleasant, happy smiles too. So very happy smiles. And for both, I'm glad.
>>23477116Fellow Valeriefag, that is good to hear. I suppose I'm pleased too, for the most part. It's just this episode had some really uncomfy vibes for some reason, and I don't know why.
I was wishing she had given even a slight indication she had noticed Ash. Her passing by him and even going full aura lighting but she not even glancing at him hurt. They could have done so very much with that scene. Just a slight head turn, eyes meet, and boom.
I was even hoping upto the last seconds of the episode after the TO BE CONTINUED screen, it'd show Valerie alone at her computer at night,
and she'd be touching a photo of Ash.