My current FireRed Nuzlocke Team. I lost Nairobi the Ekans to Staryu's crit water pulse and nearly lost Cairo the Pidgeotto to a second critpulse. Fuck you Misty.
>>28559227moist meme amigo
>>28559323It's good.
>>28559670Are you at Elesa yet? If so, good luck. Don't rely on Snivy to tank her hits though.
>>28559819Hey, that's pretty good!
>>28560078Watch out for Mega Lop amigo.
>>28560145Watch out guys, we got a regional champion over here.
>>28560447It's not my cup of tea, but to each their own.
>>28560495Would you happen to be japanese by chance?
>>28562956Neat team. How is Tauros by the way?
>>28563014Interesting. Is Crawdaunt any good?
>>28563223>ManectricGood taste amigo.
>>28566672Even moister.
>>28569053Why do you like Seadra more than Kingdra?
>>28569290I like Tropius there, at least.