>>32746240I would combine them into one single game, doing what Emerald and Platinum did by having both old box mascots appear and both play a role, but the new box mascot being the main Legendary. I want a true canon, not some "hurr durr alternate timelines" bullshit. At least with HGSS we have Crystal base the canon story off of, and FRLG has no fucking difference between them at all. BW/BW2 actually used their differences to further the "yin & yang" symbolism and how even when you switch them around, everything is still the same, and the games even referenced each other as being alternate universes coexisting with each other. Then came XY, ORAS and SM that just doesn't give a single fuck at all. Nothing here is explained, used or can be excused using previous games. Not even ORAS, because unlike HGSS it fucking EXCLUDES everything that Emerald had. Sure, we can deduce a canon from ORAS using Emerald, but then that wouldn't be ORAS at all anymore (but a much better game that we never got).
If it stood to me, ORAS would have everything from Emerald, and the only canonity differences would be which evil team base you infiltrate and which Primal you battle, with the rival infiltrating/battling the other one. Boom, problem solved. XY would've had a third version after ORAS (Z), which would've combined the two different Ultimate Weapons (blue sphere | red spike) and included both Xerneas and Yveltal in the story. SM wouldn't even exist, and instead Gamefreak would have taken the actual time to fucking finish them so they wouldn't need USUM to make up for their rush. These "new SM" games would've had everything that USUM is going to have, with the other Legendary and the Necrozma shit in the post-game. Then, if Gamefreak decided to, they could make a proper third version called Eclipse or Stars or fucking whatever. Or sequels. Of Sinnoh remakes. Or whatever.
Pic isn't really that related btw.