>>55945551>No worries, I'll still try to upload them whenever I get time though that might take a while.Oh Anon, you're after my own heart. Would be wonderful, but zero pressure!
>Also, some of the passwords I've seen are "zerokimi" or "20240525" (or some other way of writing the date like "0525"). Try checking their circle info page on picrea, they usually have the passwords on their page as text or in the picture at the bottom?Oh, I tried navigating that page but couldn't find anything relating to passwords. I suck ass at this stuff I fear. One doujin I wanted to see is this one:
https://poipiku.com/1627371/10282280.html I tried the passwords you indicated but none works. I'll try them for the other stuff I've found.
I wish artists stopped gate-keeping their shit but such is life. Why can't we have nice things.