>>53312953Scored 16 shinies in this order:
>Day 1 - Squirtle, Surskit, Latias, Volbeat, Mareep>Day 2 - Surskit, Kyogre, Surskit, Absol, Meditite, Pikachu (Brendan Hat), Duskull, Surskit, Volbeat, Mawile, SableyeCaught a 100% Poochyena from a lure module.
Caught 28 legendaries, notably:
>3 Latias, one was full-odds in wild>11 Kyogre, best was CP 2333 14/14/14>12 Groudon, best was CP 2336 15/14/13 (2 Groudon escaped)>2 fugGot 13 lucky Pokémon across 200 trades.
Best ones were:
>Pikachu with Brendan's hat and May's ribbon>14/12/14 Groudon with Precipice Blades>13/13/15 Tapu Lele (new lucky entry)>14/14/15 BagonHatched 7 Torkoal, 6 Tropius, 6 Relicanth, with 6 more 10KM eggs pending.
Other neat things:
>Huge Unown H, Unown N, and Wailmer>Tiny Joltik>Latias spawned on a lure module (other Team Ruby player saw Latios and caught theirs)