>>18347479Not particularly. I don't really want to add gender differences other then Paramoth line, and even then I am a bit worried on the final Evo's of that line. Having to resize them down so both fit. I plan on also doing it for Noxial. But I don't see the Viipii differences enough of a huge difference to put both on there. And If I add Viipii then it make me feel like I need to add every gender different and form change Pokemon. Like I am not adding both Alpint/Forusk forms, and same with Flowger/Bullotus.
But for a short answer, no it really doesn't look good since they are almost the same, especially with the same color code. Paramoth line and Noxial line will look much better with both on their, if I can get them close enough or whatever.
I was actually thinking of maybe asking for art of like the Paramoth line gender dif and Noxial(whatever then end up being) together maybe sort of interacting or overlapping in a way that would take up much less space.
Something like pic but with both forms. Doesn't have to be cute, but where it would take up less space and them interacting or together more. If that makes an sense at all.
Sorry for the long reply... but I have thought about this for awhile in the past and what to do about it.