Scenario time: Let's assume pic related gets banned by Smogon for whatever the reason. What do you think happens & does the meta get better. was referred to these videos in another thread, they were pretty interesting to watch. Do you agree or disagree with them? Are you happy with the ban or done with Smogon.
Scenario 2: Pic related gets on GF's shit list. It receives a nerf, what nerf do you think would be best for it? But with GF being GF what nerf would it actually get? My personal fear is that Intimidate itself would be nerfed rather than the Pokemon (Like how Dark Void was nerfed as opposed to Smeargle being unable to sketch it, even though they did that too. So Darkrai got shafted for no reason) or by trying to make Thundurus less useful they nerfed Prankster altogether and really made Whimsicott & others much weaker when they weren't that strong to begin with.
please be civil.