>>46524819>Kalos had memorable charactersAll forgettable, only a few lines, barely affect the plot or not at all, save for Korrina whose only job was to arbitrarily shill Megas halfway through the game. You know who were interesting though? Malva and Siebold. Malva working for Team Flare and being a newsreporter in the region was inspired as was Siebold being the Ramsey type. Everyone else sucks and only have tangential effects on the plot (Clemont building the retarded Dock Ock contraption Lysandre wears in the finale which you don't even see happening with any context).
>locationsMaybe Lumiose but for all the wrong reasons (Glitched saves, "Theres a blackout now you cant pass *person walks by*, confusing signs and confusing circular samey city overall). The rest is standard Poke fare but more boring. Shoehorned desert, shoehorned ice mountain, everything else is just generic gardens, beachsides or fields. Everything is a desaturated green, grey and purple. It feels like you got sandwiched as a bookmark between some ancient tourist pamphelet. And this isnt even bringing up blatantly unfinished contet like the Rhyhorn races, Zygarde dungeon, power plants... Not only is it ugly and boring but its also unfinished.
>and musicShota Kageyama is a poor composer, as his 2014 resignation can tell. None of it has any heart or playfulness, its all broad, grandiose and meandering. Like stock music youd hear from the speakers at Disney World. Route 4 just drones on and on and on. Geosenge is like the only city that actually sounds like it has soul to it. Everything else is so aggressively bland.
See, the reason why its like this was because of normie backlash to Unova. They couldnt handle outrageous new concepts so Masuda reeled it back in and made everything as sanitized as possible. They even copypasted Viridian Forest at the beginning. If you say Kalos is memorable you are by extension calling Kanto memorable. Kalos is just a modern day Potemkin village for kantofags.