http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJTNJvPDsyMBy the time you reach the hill, the sun already begins to show signs of going down. You immediately come to regret your decision.
"Thank you, Calem."
"Uh, for what?"
"Offering to pull this thing."
"I didn't. You made me pull it."
You struggle to carry the rickshaw up the steep hill, hoping that going downhill will be much more fun. Figures you're the one doing the handiwork, you figured that Froakie and Fennekin would pull the thing after bringing it to normal size with a mixture of hot, steaming water, but apparently they thought going back into their pokeballs and letting you do it would be a better alternative.
"Are you trying to say that you'd rather force a lady to pull this? That's incredibly insensitive." she points out, while twirling an umbrella in her hands, meant to protect her from what little sunlight is still out.
"Ugh, I guess you're right..."
Miss Leading looks above at the sky, it's a rather nice orange-y shade that's gets slightly dimmer and dimmer with the passing minutes, "It's getting pretty late. Do you want to set-up camp on the hilltop?"
You manage to answer her while continuing to struggle with the rickshaw, the words coming out through the slits of your gritted teeth, "Y-Yeah!"
You're not sure how far behind you are compared to your friends' progress, or if you're actually ahead of them, but what does matter is that Santalune City isn't too far away now. Your first gym battle is already approaching.