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>decide to get back to this game yet again
>thankfully my wife Tsareena is just as effective as always
>play some games
>sword dog keeps btfoing me
>I'm talking 2v1 + level advantage and still lose
>have to play like a bitch whenever I'm matched against it or against tyranitar
Seriously, wtf is up with this literal bitch?
>be game that just finished 5 minutes ago
>lane with the niggliest froakie you've ever seen
>does not even attack the starting minions, just waits until I bring them low enough so he can take the last hit
>could tell he was gonna be a shitter from level 1
>spends the majority of the laning phase just trying to (unsuccesfully) steal my farm
>both of us end up severely underleveled
>both bottom laners come up to help
>see bottom lane empty
>finally reach level 6 on my way to botom lane
>start heading for the vespiquen
>level 9 doggo casually walks up to me and deletes me
>I even had focus sash ready
>didn't matter
>end up fighting over the first dreadmaw almost until zapdos
>top lane finally gets creamed by a pikachu + cinderace combo
>and there is a rotom heading to our second goal
>switch to top lane to defend it
>solo the rotom
>get the newly spawned audinos
>opponens finally get the dreadmaw 20 seconds before zapdos appears
>got a full stack(50) of energy
>also have goal-getter
>sneak behind them while they take zapdos
>+100 points
>recall and try to defend the base
>they get zapdos but they also get chokepointed on their way to our base
>kill 4 of them on my own (they were low from zapdos but still)
>another 50 stack of energy
>low HP
>go to their top lane
>try to score with goal-getter
>sword doggo jumps to me and one taps me
>nigger greninja tries to score bottom right afterwards
>50 stack
>enough time for sword doggo to recall and jump to bot
>kills him too
>enemy pikachu (first to die against zapdos) scores 20 points on our goal at the last 5 seconds
>game ends
>we win 321 to 304