>>45575153Regional forms getting all of the old toys+new ones,and thus being strict upgrades despite having different typings and sometimes statlines, is a problem some of them have. Alolan Muk is just better Muk, Alola Marowak is better Marowak, Alolan Raichu is a bit of a toss up in Doubles, but definitely better in Singles, the same goes for Galarian Weezing, Galarian Darm is a way better than base Darm, etc.
There are some examples where they succeed in giving them both different but defined niches even if one is better, like Alolan Ninetales vs. Kanto Ninetales, Alolan Sandslash vs. Kanto Sandslash, Cofagrigus vs. Runerigus (yes, I count them). It gets kinda awkward when Linoone vs. Galar Linoone is pretty much comparing a final stage to a middle stage so it gets kinda messy, but the streak is still like 50/50 for this stuff.