>>57090155"Pass-by-one-action battle"
The trainer you pass and their Pokemon (only the first one) are displayed
Based on that information, you can choose a Pokemon from your own Pokemon that will win in terms of type
A little game where you get points depending on whether you win or lose in terms of type compatibility.
For use in questions at the Battle Academy, etc.
"Pokémon Comic"
Your adventures become a comic.
It's a fun way to review events,
or to show off by sticking them on your Trainer Cards.
Get a new page every time you clear an event in the game.
Important events, like meeting legendary Pokémon, are in color.
You won't be able to fill up the pages unless you complete sub-events.
"Leave it to the Pokemon"
Pokemon that have become acquainted with the trainer will use the best move for the opposing Pokemon instead of the trainer
If there is no effective move, it will turn to the trainer, and in some cases, it will choose a move that will not finish off the Pokemon.