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So, I'm not *surprised* the melodramatic glowie seemingly sold me out but I saw these lil fuckers before hand and I have to ask, why the fuck am I not attacking Shadows on sight? And also, can I have consistent fucking rules on this? Hoopa surprise teleporting me, sure, but why the fuck do I get to fight sometimes and not others? Yeah sure "Plot" but I don't give a fuck, either I can fight these faggots or they can just bushwhack me without anything special make up your fucking mind.
Anyway, that said, trying to trick you into a short boss rush frim Glowie-kun to this science slut to a Mega Houndoom is honestly pretty whatever. You get a chance to heal if you're diligent and go straight to the center rather than try to leave and the science bitch isn't too hard. And Mega Houndoom is...honestly not bad. He's soft countered by 2 of your three starter options and only hard counters 1 of them, he's got a basic gameplan, and is by himself, and it's not like answers are thin on the ground at this point you've had a decent chance to catch a fair few pokemon with ground, rock, or fighting moves and things that resist fire and dark.
Anyway Pupitar shoved his gay leather bar dog into a sandblaster and I...just let him leave I guess?
They mention this bitch Fay and that she and Arthur CANNOT be allowed to talk but I'm sure despite me hearing this if I went back to Arthur there wouldn't be an option to tell him "Hey there's some Fay bitch involved in this and they don't want you two to talk."
I don't ask for much I just ask that if you're going to have villains that magically get to run away or capture me, that you at least don't apparently give me the knowledge I need to completely collapse their plans apparently but I'm just not allowed to use it because shut up.