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Sub-50% players need to be booted out of Masters. They need to be forced to keep playing Ultra games until they bring their WR every time Almost without fail, when I see someone doing dumb shit like backcapping during Zap or hiding in a bush during the Zap team fight, it's someone with a 47% WR.
Masters isn't that fucking hard, but they genuinely are not ready to play against and with players who at least know the fundamentals.
I had this teammate who was with me at Zap where the enemy team had wiped with just me and Buzzwole up. I started attacking Zap as Pika, and he just stood there watching the enemy center hallway choke "guarding" me instead of fucking hitting Zap with me. And there was zero way I was going to take Zap down as Pikachu before the enemy came back so I stopped halfway as the enemy respawned a few seconds later. They came back up, used one of their last Ults, and won the game.
It was fucking infuriating.