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Made the executive decision to switch back to the dub for Conway vs. Ash. I really like Conway's dub voice, and his JP voice comes off as creepy without the funniness that he has in English. Or at least, it doesn't translate as well through Japanese, or something. Regardless, I knew the result, and I wanted to enjoy my boy's last big moment, so I needed Harley 2.0 in my ears.
Conway vs. Ash was immensely fun despite the ending. I let out an "oh shit" when Conway used Power Switch; you rarely get to see gimmick strats used in the anime, so when they are used, they're a lot more effective than in competitive. I did find it pretty funny that Conway's "thing" seemed to be making his Pokemon do creepy shit, like having Shuckle effectively puke into Gible's mouth, or having Lickilicki do an uncomfortably long Lick attack on Gible. Trick Room especially has to be a difficult gimmick to implement into how the anime does battles. I think only Valerie in XY used it, but it was treated very differently then.
All in all, kind of a bullshit ending, but that's what happens when Ash fights someone smarter than him. Looking forward to Ash vs. Paul II.