>>44871244>Vs Lusamine>ClefableDahlia plans out a Nasty Plot, and Clefable uses Metronome(always scary), ending up using Leech Seed.
A +2 Sludge Bomb ends the fairy.
>MiloticI send Coral in on a Hydro Pump.
Milotic uses Safeguard and Coral uses Aqua Ring.
Milotic uses Hydro Pump again, and Coral hits hard with Double-Edge... but this is a mistake on my end. The recoil is huge.
Milotic misses a Hydro Pump, but Coral is done for this fight, and U-Turns, letting Molly in.
However, Lusamine withdraws Milotic the next turn, letting in...
>Mismagius Pollen Puff doesn't do too much.
Mismagius hits Molly with a Mystical Fire, and Molly fires back with Dazzling Gleam. I was hoping to outspeed it. Molly is at only 16 HP,
I send in Kairi, and Shadow Ball does tons of damage. I resign myself to the fact that I can't safely switch anything in, and will have to sack Kairi.
...and then Lusamine goes for Mystical Fire like a moron, and Kairi finishes it off Mismagius with an itemless Acrobatics. I thank Lusamine for her stupidity.
>MiloticI assume my Shields Downed Kairi can finish off Milotic, but I'm shocked as Kairi gets outsped and dies to Flail.
Molly comes in to avenge her, and finishes it with Pollen Puff.
>BewearNastily, I almost certainly can't OHKO it, and Molly is badly damaged. I have to chance that Draining Kiss will heal enough. It really doesn't, but... Lusamine has another lapse in Judgement and has Bewear use Hammer Arm.
Molly lives, and can now end Bewear with Dazzling Gleam.
>LilligantI send Dahlia in on a Stun Spore Miss.
Lilligant Teeter Dances Dahlia, but Sludge Bomb takes it out.
Lusamine's EV-trained mons are scary, man. The only reason I only lost Kairi is because her AI was dumb.