I sometimes wonder what is happening at home. It's been long since Daniela's passing, and my son and daughter have long since been on their own as adults, with Jackson studying to becoming a doctor in some new land; Kaylost, I think? It has been too long since I've gone overseas in my older age, but I will visit that land and it's wealth of discoveries waiting to be had after this. I'm glad; he was held a kind heart in his body, never wanting anyone to become sick but I worry sometimes if he does so due to his mother's death. It will eat away at him if he does not learn that what has happened, has happened, and cannot be changed. Daenerys has taken to the competitive scene, having taken down her eighth gym leader just before I took on this task. I hope she has not become the champion before I return, I would very much enjoy seeing her battles. Win or lose, I will be proud of her for accomplishing so much, just as her mother had done.
Lastly, the endless wall, Sakhr, has been my source of shelter and protector from the elements. Since I cannot ride atop of him without burning, he is a most apt mobile source of shade. When the sandstorms arrive, his sturdy body forms a protective coil around me, tall enough for me to stand, like an igloo. At night this is my shelter. At night I can hear Sakhr's body being pummeled like a mighty metal drum, along with a great roar, and that is when Archer takes to the skies. Sometimes, without warning during the day, it will snatch me like a plant from the ground and coil around me, squeezing my body too tightly for my liking, but it has always, always been out of necessity to protect me from the sheer force of our opponents. His body is resilient and ready for any assault, even able to withstand great blasts of fire and the mighty earth quaking attacks.