>>51665201>Access to Bulk Up TM basically right when you get him, boosting his 2 most important stats>Hard hitting stab pretty early with Vital throw>One of the few mons that counters Wattsons magneton>Can counter Flannery with thick fat >Bulk up let’s it easily sweep Norman>Evolves fairly early at only level 24 after which point it becomes a nigh unkillable god that effortlessly shrugs off even super effective hits from all the NFE mons with its 144/60/60 bulk, and hitting back HARD with its base 120 attackThis thing is THE best mon for RSE’s mid game, absolutely nothing else compares. While it becomes less impressive after Norman when everything starts to catch up in terms of stats it’s still a very reliable mon all the way up till the end game so there’s really no draw backs to using it either, you just get to shit on the entire mid game got free. Certified goodmon right here
Also, good idea for a thread, there’s a lot of Pokémon that really shine in the single player due to factors that are irrelevant in the multiplayer like evo levels and such