>>29418784>>29419478>>29419712>>29419966>>29421137>>29421347>>29422500>>29422923>>29423389Holy shit guys this thread has more bisexual or gay people in it than straight ones. I mean I'm cool with that and all but holy balls I wasn't aware that such a huge part of /vp/ swinged that way. Is this the Pokemon fandom in general or what are your experiences? Seems like I've turned a blind eye to that one until now
>>29421691I like the way you filled the template, 10/14 solid taste in Pokemon too, my moms dog is a good choice for signature pokemon. Also good taste in Pokemon games
>>294229236/6 excellent taste in Pokemon, fuck the empty wallet as long as you have those pringles. Probably pretty cool guy
>>29423389Kind of never liked Chikorita, Gen2 and it's remakes were great though. Other than that pretty unique taste in Pokemon I guess
Used another template for mine, filled it sometime ago won't fill another one. Takes hell of a lot time