>>54638234>I get that Diamond and Pearl are a bit slow and not the best when it comes to Variety (which was fixed in Platinum) not a excuse, that just makes DP even worse in hindsight, people who were invested enough in the series to get the earliest Gen 4 games were punished a barren regional dex for no reason, and Platinum is only SLIGHLY better
>and the gen 4 remakes where dogshit but it isn't the worst gen, gen 2 has worst variety since-wrong, Gen 2 had the decency to have nearly every existing pokemon at the time be obtainable with the sole exception being the Gen 1 starters, Gen 1 legends, and Gen 1 Fossils. Also the main reason why Gen 1 Pokemon were so common was became more Gen 1 Pokemon existed since due to shit 90's technology Gen 2 didn't have the privilege of adding more than 100 new pokemon that later gens had.
Meanwhile DP only has 107 new Pokémon (some one which being event only mythicals) despite having none of the limits Gen 2 had, restricts itself to a regional dex of a measly 150 because KANTOOOO did it, and arbitrarily favors GeNWUn Pokemon in wild encounters despite there being plenty of non-GenWun Pokemon existing this time.